Euro Garden Lettuce Summer Marvel Premium Quality Seeds (Made in Spain) by EuroGarden

12.00 AED

Variety of leaves Grenades’, Green and Quite reddish Pigmentation especially on the edges of wider curly.
Tight and good sized co-finished.
Summer Wonder Lettuce requires a location with direct sun or partial shade.
Watering’s Should be Regular.
Transplant when the plants have 5 to 6 true leaves. It can be grown in pots of 3 liters.
Lettuce is ideal for weight loss diets because of its satiating power and because it provides just 18 calories per 100 g and contains: 94% water.
It has minerals in large quantities: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as trace elements (copper, manganese, nickel, zinc, etc.).
It is rich in vitamins: A, B, C and E. Lactucarium, a substance that acts as a soothing on the nervous system, gives it relaxing and sleep-promoting properties.

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